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  1. **定制化服务**:缘通租赁深入了解客户需求,提供量身定制的租赁方案,确保设备完美契合园区实际情况。

  2. **高效安装**:专业团队快速响应,高效完成设备安装调试,确保项目按时交付使用。

  3. **稳定运行**:选用高品质设备,确保闸机在长时间运行中保持稳定可靠,减少故障率。

  4. **无忧售后**:提供全方位的售后服务支持,包括设备维护、故障排查及远程技术支持等,让客户无后顾之忧。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Two-way Face Recognition Gate Rental in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia**

  In Hohhot, a vibrant city in Inner Mongolia, the acceleration of smart city construction has made security management and efficient access a top priority for many enterprises, institutions, and public places. Recently, Yuantong Leasing successfully provided a two-way face recognition gate rental service to a renowned technology park in Hohhot, significantly enhancing the parks security management and winning high praise from the client, becoming a notable success in the industry.

  **Project Background**:

  As an essential hub for technological innovation in Hohhot, the technology park hosts numerous high-tech enterprises and R&D institutions, experiencing heavy daily foot traffic. Traditional manual access control systems could no longer meet the parks demands for security, convenience, and efficiency. Therefore, the park management decided to introduce advanced two-way face recognition gate systems, leveraging Yuantong Leasings short-term rental service to minimize initial investment costs and ensure maintenance convenience.

  **Service Implementation**:

  Yuantong Leasing promptly responded with a tailored rental plan for the parks specific needs. The plan encompassed high-performance face recognition gates, accompanied by a professional installation and commissioning team, as well as post-sales technical support. Within a short period, Yuantong Leasing completed the installation and commissioning, seamlessly integrating the gates with the parks existing access control system.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  Since the deployment of the two-way face recognition gates, the parks management efficiency has soared. The gates high accuracy in face recognition effectively prevented unauthorized access, significantly enhancing security. The bidirectional design facilitated smoother and faster entry and exit for employees and visitors, reducing waiting times. Moreover, the gates reliability ensured minimal downtime, giving the park management peace of mind.

  Yuantong Leasings two-way face recognition gates not only solved our access control challenges but also elevated the parks overall image, said the parks


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